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2 Surprising Things Home Insurance Will Cover In A Disaster

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When you think of home insurance, you often imagine it covering the structure of your home and the property within in. However, home insurance can cover much more than that. If you are put out of your home due to a major catastrophe, some surprising things will be covered.

1. Emergency Items

If your house burns down, or is damaged to the point where you cannot enter it, you'll need some basic things to get by over the next few days. Things as basic as a new toothbrush and clothes to wear will be on your immediate list of things to get. These things can be covered by an insurance policy, so be sure to save those receipts.

Make sure you understand what your policy covers since every policy is different. It may cover certain emergency items or items up to a specific dollar value. In other words, do not go overboard with what you consider emergency replacement items.

2. Additional Living Costs

Being out of your home will put a dent in your wallet due to the additional living costs involved. Not only will you need to find a place to stay, but you'll be eating out for a while due to not having access to a kitchen. Rest assured that all of these costs should be covered under a home insurance policy.

If you are planning to be out of your home for a long time for repairs to be made, the chances are that your insurance provider will want to move you out of a hotel and into a rental home. This will help reduce your additional living costs since you'll have access to a kitchen and can cook once again.

One thing to keep in mind is that your insurance provider may only cover the actual additional living costs, not all of your living costs. For example, they'll factor in how much you typically spend in a week on food, and then reimburse you for anything spent beyond that. Your insurance company will also try to find you a rental home that is comparable to your current home, which is a fair compromise to ensure you are not renting out a home that is way too big.

If you have any questions about what your specific insurance policy covers, do not hesitate to talk to your insurance agent. They are the ones that can answer any questions you may have.
